How you can be a more mindful traveler

Maybe you’re new to traveling or maybe you have been hopping around the globe for years. Either way, becoming a more mindful traveler will be beneficial to both you and the destination you are visiting! Being more mindful is quite a broad term. You can be more mindful in the way you speak, eat, shop, travel – well pretty much with anything you do.

When it comes to being a more mindful traveler, you can be more sustainable, thoughtful in your actions towards locals, and what I focus mostly on in this post – personally being more mindful and present in your current moment. Here are a few simple things you can do to start becoming a more mindful traveler and get the most out of your trip!

Journal – everything!

Keeping a travel journal is one of the best ways to stay mindful of everything you have experienced during your trip. It’s a great way to reflect on the day – the sounds, smells, food, people, nature, and fun memories that you have made. These journals will be great to read in the future because unfortunately, your memory of that trip will never be as clear as the day you wrote about it in your journal! Pro tip: It’s easy to be ‘too busy’ to journal or tell yourself you will do it later and then never get back to it. Just stick with it until it becomes a habit and you will definitely be thankful in the long run!

girl with journal and cup of coffee
Put that phone away

I know this is easier said than done, but once you actually spend some time away from your phone, you’ll quickly realize how much of a distraction it is and how much more present you are when it is not around. Especially in today’s social media crazed world, we all know how easy it is to be consumed with getting the perfect picture or post without really appreciating where you currently are (I’ll admit, I’m still working on this one myself)!

Don’t support tourist attractions at an animal’s expense

Some destinations’ most well-known tourist attractions revolve around their wildlife. Let me say that again – their WILD life. Using these wild animals as an attraction is cruel and inhumane yet it will continue as long as it makes money for the industry. Most attractions will also claim they are helping the cause of conservation although they abuse and drug the animals to tame them. Instead of supporting these attractions, look for a trusted wildlife sanctuary, rehabilitation center, or free roaming safari. If you’re slow traveling, you can even find opportunities to volunteer at a sanctuary which is what I did in Australia! It was a great experience getting to care for (and play with) the animals! Knowing it was helping a good cause made it even more special.

Girl feeding a red kangaroo in Australia
Travel with purpose

So I’m sure we’ve all seen one of those lovely and extensive ‘Ultimate Bucket lists’ when researching what to do on vacation. Although I agree checking off lists is exciting, going somewhere just to check off a bucket list item that you found on Pinterest is not necessarily a meaningful ‘purpose’. Instead, travel with a purpose such as to engage with the locals, see a hidden gem that is unknown to most travelers (you can find these places by asking locals or researching alternative destinations), or to learn some history of the location! This will give you a much more memorable and meaningful experience.

Shop local

Supporting local businesses is a great way to make a positive impact as a tourist rather than contributing to the effects of over tourism. Shopping in small local markets also gives you a great opportunity to meet locals who, in my opinion, usually hold the best stories!

man in a market with his hand made shoes
Do some research

Nobody likes walking around aimlessly in a foreign country right? Researching the destination’s history, culture, animals, and food is a great way to prepare yourself to experience everything that destination has to offer. Rather than stopping at random beautiful temples or animals that you aren’t sure the name of, you will know the story behind the beauty and whether you should stop for a picture or run for your life!!

Take it slow

Slow travel is the best way to travel in my opinion! Slow travel is giving yourself time to experience the culture as a whole rather than trying to squeeze in as much as possible in one trip. Slow travel will leave you feeling much more enriched, rejuvenated, thankful for the experience, and will open your eyes to different ways of life. Another plus side is that you likely won’t feel the need for a vacation after your vacation when you slow travel!

Continue your normal mindful practices while traveling

Whether this be positive affirmations, prayer, exercise, or listing what you’re grateful for in the morning, it’s important to keep these good habits to remain in a positive and mindful head-space while traveling. Starting your day with a positive mindful practice will help you to stay in the moment and be positive towards whatever challenges traveling is bound to throw at you!

Woman sitting watching the sunrise in the rice fields of Bali

Thanks for reading! I hope you find these tips helpful and have a fantastic and mindful trip! If you would like any more tips or advice, send me an email or check out my socials for more! Happy Travels!